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Dr. Robert & Matt Deighton 'The Instant Garden'

229, London.

Dr. Robert & Matt Deighton 'The Instant Garden'

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GENERAL ADMISSION £22,00 (£20,00)

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Mehr Informationen über Dr. Robert & Matt Deighton 'The Instant Garden' Tickets

AGMP Concerts presents
'The Instant Garden' Official Album Launch
+ special guests

Dr. Robert (The Blow Monkeys) and Matt Deighton (Mother Earth, Oasis) have conjured up a garden full of earthly delights and mysterious depths on their new album 'The Instant Garden'.

Dr. Robert says “Matt and I bonded over a mutual love of the same atmospheric jewels…. Fred Neil, Davy Graham, Tyrannosaurus Rex, Nick Drake etc. We sat opposite each other and recorded it live at my old friend ‘The Ravens” studio up in Angelsey. We disappeared inside the flow and came out 4 days later with an album. Can’t wait to play it live!

Matt Deighton says “We both found we had many musical influences and references in common from ‘Beard Of Stars’ to ‘Oar’ and ’Space Hymns’ even, so it was inevitable we’d end up playing these songs sitting facing each other mid summer on a leyline mic’d up live in the back of beyond."

'The Instant Garden' album is released by Last Night From Glasgow in March 2025.

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