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GK Barry Live!

Royal Albert Hall, London.

GK Barry Live!

Zu dieser Veranstaltung sind nur über 16-Jährige zugelassen - für unter 16-Jährige wird keine Erstattung gezahlt.


Beschreibung Preis (inkl. Gebühren)? Menge
SECOND TIER BOX SEATS £64,90 (£59,00) Keine Tickets verfügbar
GRAND TIER BOX SEATS £64,90 (£59,00) Keine Tickets verfügbar
LOGGIA BOX SEATS £64,90 (£59,00) Keine Tickets verfügbar
FRONT ARENA SEATS £60,50 (£55,00) Keine Tickets verfügbar
STALLS SEATS £49,50 (£45,00) Keine Tickets verfügbar
CIRCLE SEATS £44,00 (£40,00) Keine Tickets verfügbar
REAR STALLS £33,00 (£30,00) Keine Tickets verfügbar
REAR ARENA £27,50 (£25,00) Keine Tickets verfügbar
REAR CIRCLE £27,50 (£25,00) Keine Tickets verfügbar
Royal Albert Hall

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Mehr Informationen über GK Barry Live! Tickets

GK Barry to be reunited on stage with I'm A Celebrity. buddies Reverend Richard Coles and Melvin Odoom

For events with no age limit, under 14's must be accompanied by an adult. For standing concerts, under 14's must purchase a seated ticket.

If you are lucky enough to look under 25 you will be asked for I.D to purchase alcohol. The venue reserves the right to refuse service.

The venue is home to a wide variety of restaurants and bars and encourages advanced booking to guarantee a space.

The Hall also offers guided tours of the building and box customers can even order food and drink to be delivered to their private box before arrival. Find out more here.

Teenage Cancer Trust is a registered charity: 1062559 (England & Wales); SC039757 (Scotland) This show is in aid of Teenage Cancer Trust. Teenage Cancer Trust support young people with cancer across the UK, making sure they get the specialised care and support they need. You can find out more about Teenage Cancer Trust here. Having cancer at a young age comes with its own particular set of challenges. Teenage Cancer trust's services treat individuals, a young person first and a cancer diagnosis second. Learn more about what young people feel about having cancer, what they go through and how they cope by reading these personal stories from young people with cancer.

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